In response to the shortage of protective masks needed for JFS’s ongoing community programming, JFS is relying on our friendships in our community to fill the gaps!


One of our Syrian refugee clients, Abdulkader is using his tailoring expertise to make 60 surgical masks for JFS Homecare staff. In his native Syria, Abdulkader was a tailor. When Abdulkader and his family arrived in 2017, JFS helped them build a new life. Now he is giving back to his new community. You can read more about his journey in this 2017 Boston Globe series.


JFS CEO Lino Covarrubias’s son, David is also heeding the call for help! He’s put together 15 protective masks for JFS Homecare staff and the team distributing meals and personal care items to families at Woodrow Wilson Elementary School.

JFS CEO Lino Covarrubias’s son, David sewing masks for JFS staff!

Our community’s commitment to helping others and each other is so great, thank you to our ever-growing JFS family!