Thank you to the over 300 volunteers a year who help JFS of Metrowest accelerate social, academic, and health equity.

Thank you for delivering meals to members of our community. Thank you for accompanying older adults to medical appointments. Thank you for fostering the success of first generation college students. Thank you for supporting immigrants on their path to citizenship. Thank you for distributing food, personal care items, and clothing to families in need. Thank you for befriending an isolated elder. Thank you for organizing drives for food, books, clothing, and other essential items. Thank you for serving as mentors to elementary students. Thank you for supporting our fundraising efforts and sharing your unique talents with us.

Thank you for raising your hands in the midst of a pandemic and saying, “How can I help?”

During Volunteer Appreciation Week, and every other week, thank you!

To learn more, contact Gail Gregory, Manager Volunteer Services and Community Engagement.  Email: