Carol and George Hengerle
JFS Volunteers since October 2018 and March 2020

Carol recently retired from her position as a program administrator at Brandeis. George retired from his career as an engineer in the energy industry and has recently formed his own consulting business. They enjoy spending their free time in the lakes region of New Hampshire.

Both Carol and George volunteer at JFS in numerous ways! Carol has been a long-time volunteer in the development office where her wonderful phone manner and organizational skills have been a huge asset. She also volunteered in our Healthy Harvest program, filling bags full of healthy food for families at the Woodrow Wilson Elementary School. George became a volunteer last spring as a Pathways to College Success mentor, sharing his professional expertise and wisdom with business students at MassBay Community College. During the pandemic, Carol and George joined forces and became an all-star food delivery team. They have delivered Rosh Hashanah and Passover meals as well as regularly delivering meals to elderly individuals in need. Most recently, they joined our food distribution team formed in response to the increased need for food assistance during COVID-19.

Why do you believe the work you are doing at JFS is important?

“We were drawn to JFS by the many programs it has to help almost every sector of the community where there is a need. The kindness and dedication of everyone involved is inspiring and we have seen and felt the sincere appreciation from everyone we are supporting.” 

We know when we have a need for volunteers, we can always reach out to the Hengerles! Thank you, Carol and George! Click here to learn how you can join JFS’ team of exceptional volunteers!