Antisemitic rhetoric and violence have escalated in the US and show no signs of slowing down. In response, Congregation Or Atid is bringing to our community a series of speakers and conversations to gain a greater understanding of this complicated hatred and develop tools to respond as individuals and a community. 

There is still time to sign up for the next program in the series! Thursday, 10/28 @ 7:30 PM: Conversations on Antisemitism: How Jew-Hatred Manifests Today and How We Can Respond led by Dr. Rachel Fish.

Click the image below to preview the lecture!

Jew hatred is not a phenomena of the past. Unfortunately, it persists today from across the political spectrum and ideological positions. Dr. Fish will share with us how antisemitism manifests today, both in real life and online, and how this particular form of hatred has entered mainstream discourse in politics, media, and social justice conversations.

Dr. Rachel Fish is a celebrated academic with 20 years of experience in the fields of Israeli history, Zionist thought, and Middle Eastern Studies. Recognized for her teaching prowess and pedagogical approaches, Dr. Fish has published extensively and is frequently called upon to advise on community interventions to reclaim an Israel discourse that is nuanced and complex while remaining accessible to a broad audience.

Registration link for zoom:

If you’re unable to attend this week’s conversation, the series’ third installment will take place on 11/18 at 7:30 PM. Click here to register early!

For questions: