Thank you to JF&CS Manager of Volunteer Services Ava Harder, who brought bags and bags of gorgeous hand-knit items for the newly arrived families from Afghanistan and other families in Framingham in need of warm hats, mittens, and blankets this winter.

The blankets, hats and mittens were lovingly hand-made as part of the JF&CS project, Tikkun Olam: Repairing the World One Stitch at a Time. Project creator, Roz Switalski, made many of the items delivered to JFS. Other knitters include the Israeli American Council; 28 IAC members donated 45 of the items. The IAC knitters started knitting together as a group on Zoom when the pandemic started. Knitter Josephine donated many of the blankets that she likes to work on when she isn’t going to church or playing canasta, and Annette made the beautiful blanket that Ava is holding. Thank you to Roz, Josephine, Annette, the IAC, and all the other knitters whose heart and care can be seen in each of the hand-knit items they created.

Many thanks to our partner, JF&CS, for connecting us to these generous and talented knitters.


For more information, please Contact Gail Gregory, Manager of Volunteer Services and Community Engagement at