JFS is so excited to announce its recent ribbon cutting and dedication of the JFS Center for Social Innovation in memory of Susan Copeland (z”l). JFS staff, board and community members gathered to officially open the Center recently. The Center will focus on assisting local non-profit organizations to develop coordinated new/creative approaches to the many social challenges in the community, currently and more importantly in the future. The establishment of the Center very much aligns with the JFS Strategic Plan service model of the Whole Family-Whole Community approach to convene and enhance the combined impact of non-profits, faith organizations, government, and community.
A culture of innovation and entrepreneurship has always been an important element of JFS’ DNA, a legacy left by retired CEO Marc Jacobs who pushed the organization to always challenge its current assumptions and continually strive to make a bigger, effective and efficient impact. In honor of Marc Jacob’s retirement, an innovation fund was established to continue the innovation approach to social services he fostered for over 20 years.
The JFS Center for Social Innovation is funded from a generous legacy gift from beloved JFS friend Susan Copeland. Susan was one of the first cobalt programming engineers at Gillette and was very focused on helping those in need in ways outside of normal approaches. Laura and Bill Curtis, work colleagues and close friends of Susan commented that she was very generous, focused, and passionate throughout her life and that she would be absolutely thrilled to know a Center in her memory was established for Tikkun Olam.
Thank you to all who attended to make this event a success!