This year, the 36th Global Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI) took place in Krakow, Poland. The theme of this year’s conference was “Dementia: Insights. Innovations”.

During the conference, JFS elder expert and member of the Allies in Aging Geriatric Care Management and Healthy Aging teams Laila Vehvilainen, MS, MPH, NASM-CPT, CDP shared a strategy she employs as part of her work as a Geriatric Care Manager in a presentation titled “Developing an In-home Fitness Program for Persons with Dementia within a Geriatric Care Model.” Using this unique approach, Ms. Vehvilainen supports clients with dementia by engaging with them through personal training, integrating exercise, strength and balance training.

Ms. Vehvilainen has certifications in Senior Fitness Specialist, Arthritis Instructor and Dementia Care and a Master’s in Gerontology and in Public Health and has worked with JFS for many years providing case management as well as exercise and health/wellness programs to older adult clients in a variety of settings.

If you or a loved one is struggling with the dementia, click here to
learn how the experts of the JFS Allies in Aging program can help.