Since 1979, JFS has been instrumental in resettling hundreds of refugee families in the Metrowest Greater Boston area. Key to our success has been the involvement of our organizational partners and volunteers who have joined with us to surround these newcomers with the supports they need to acclimate and build a life in our welcoming and caring community.

The demand for these services is at an all time high. In order for JFS to meet the demand, we seek organizational sponsors to provide the ultimate welcome to a newly arrived refugee family.

Sponsors serve as supporters, mentors and teachers and are critical in the process of helping a family adapt to their new surroundings and work towards self-sufficiency. No experience needed – when sponsors partner with JFS they receive the training and ongoing support they need to be successful.

There are many ways your organization can support the journey of a newly arrived refugee family. Work with JFS and consider the option that best fits your organization’s size, mission, and resource capacity:

  • Adopt a Family – Surround a refugee family with all the support they need to feel welcomed into our caring community and guide them on their path to self-sufficiency:
    • Subsidize the cost of housing
    • Enlist teams of volunteers to work directly with the family to find/secure housing, enroll in benefits, assist with medical appointments, provide acculturation support, assist with job acquisition, and more.
  • Financial Sponsor – Subsidize the cost of housing for a refugee family as they work to secure gainful employment so they can become self-sufficient.
  • Family Support – Encourage your members to volunteer. Volunteers provide support in many ways and positions exist that fit every schedule. From assisting with medical appointments to providing ESL learning, every moment spent volunteering helps a family move toward achieving their goal of self-sufficiency.
  • Pro Bono Services – Legal assistance, medical/dental care, and mental health counseling are a few of the services refugee families desperately need – provide critical services that most cannot afford.

Partner with JFS and be a bridge to a brighter future for a refugee family in need – contact us to learn how your organization can get involved today!