On Tuesday February 27th the JFS of Metrowest Children’s Clothing Closet held a Pop Up Shop for economically challenged families located in the Framingham area.The Pop Up Shop took place at Fuller Middle School during the Framingham Adult ESL Plus Program. Clothing collected from the CJP Women’s Philanthropy event , chaired by Laurie Gliklich and Jennifer Drucker, was on display for parents of elementary school aged children to “shop” for. Of the 1,400 items, donated by the CJP Women’s Philanthropy
event,approximately 1,000 items were distributed to 150 individuals Volunteers at the Pop Up Shop helped individuals select clothing for their children, Laurie said , “Helping families select clothes was incredibly rewarding. The best moment was watching a young girl light up at the thought of wearing her brand new, purple mittens. It was an inspiring evening with a fabulous community”. JFS would like to thank all of volunteers and individuals who helped to make this event possible!