Aug 20, 2018 | New American Services, Older Adults, PAGES/RAG, Resettlement, We are JFS!
Meet Maggie Kenney, the most recent addition to the JFS of Metrowest team! Maggie has just completed an AmeriCorps service year with JFS as part of the New American Integration Program (NAIP). As an AmeriCorps member at JFS Maggie served in several program areas,...
Aug 17, 2018 | PAGES/RAG, Upcoming Events, Volunteer Opportunities, We are JFS!
REGISTER HERE! You are Invited to… Build-A-Backpack with JFS of Metrowest! YOU bring the backpack, JFS provides the supplies We ALL build a backpack! Click here to register for this year’s Build a Backpack events! Why Build a Backpack? While some school districts are...
Mar 1, 2018 | Jewish Community, PAGES/RAG, Volunteer Opportunities, We are JFS!
On Tuesday February 27th the JFS of Metrowest Children’s Clothing Closet held a Pop Up Shop for economically challenged families located in the Framingham area.The Pop Up Shop took place at Fuller Middle School during the Framingham Adult ESL Plus Program. Clothing...
Aug 3, 2017 | Reducing Achievement Gaps, Upcoming Events, Volunteer Opportunities, We are JFS!
You are Invited to… Build-A-Backpack with JFS of Metrowest! YOU bring the backpack, JFS provides the supplies We ALL build a backpack! Click here to register for this year’s Build a Backpack events! Why Build a Backpack? While some school districts are able to...