When the order was issued to wear masks, we immediately thought of the 5,000 clients we serve. Where could we get masks for them all? CEO Lino Covarrubias sent out a call for help to our board. Within days, we had commitments for thousands of masks.
We are grateful to the CJP team of Amanda Hadad, Director of Caring and Social Justice, and Zach Wainwright, CJP Board of Directors, for their help in securing several thousand masks. We also send thanks to Marissa and Adam Goldstein, owners of Rafi Nova for their generous donation of 1,000 masks. Thus far, Rafi Nova has donated a total of 20,000 masks to essential workers. Thank you to the Boston Area Mask Initiative who donated 250 masks. Their masks are sewn by volunteers and donated throughout the Greater Boston area.
The 4,000 masks we’ve received puts us well on our way towards our goal of two washable masks per client. If you know anyone who would like to donate washable masks, please contact Gail Gregory, Manager of Volunteer Services and Community Engagement at ggregory@jfsmw.org.
- Thank you
- Rafi Nova!
In another initiative, JFS of Metrowest, Temple Beth Elohim, and the Shapiro Foundation have been collaborating to provide masks to the TBE community and beyond. Led by tailor, Abdulkader Hayani, whose family was resettled from Syria by JFS and TBE, community volunteers received the training and supplies they needed to produce masks. After Abdulkader led an initial zoom training, he and his family packed needed materials for the volunteers. The family has also produced over 500 masks to date, operating a family assembly line in their basement. Abdulkader reports that it’s been a good way to spend time together during the stay at home order while teaching his children the importance of helping their community. He says it is especially meaningful because he feels he is able to give back to the community that helped his family get started in the US.
To date, the initiative has received orders for over 200 masks, and donated hundreds to essential workers. JFS is looking at expanding the initiative to other communities. Thank you to volunteers Theresa Levy, Sarah Spitz (and daughter Avalon), Judy Katzman, Hilda Lief (and daughter Sienna), Christina Harms, Mary Proznitz, Bonnie Rosenberg, Donna Behr, Rebecca Diamondstein (and daughter Lily), Sarah Evantash, Judy Gertler, Heather Levinson (and daughter Emma), Wendy Nelson, and Lisa Siegel!
Special thanks to Michael Gilman, Ed and Barbara Shapiro, Larry Tobin, Abdulkader Hayani and Daniel Woodward for all they’ve contributed to this initiative.
Collaboration is critical at this time, we can all do so much more to support our community through this crisis when we are working together. JFS cannot thank our community partners enough for their collaboration, support, and commitment to our community!