Your Help is Needed Now More Than Ever

Hello, we hope this letter finds you and your family doing well and staying healthy.

As we move into the final months of 2020, and the temperatures begin to fall and the winter months approach, the devastation of the pandemic continues to take its toll on each us, in both small and life-altering ways. For some, sadness is felt in the experience of changed holiday traditions; for others, months of lost income or the passing of loved ones have been catastrophic. For those face the worst of challenges, JFS has and will continue to respond to those most in need.

During the last 8 months of the crisis, committed JFS staff and volunteers have:
  • Delivered over 10,000 meals and made thousands of wellness calls to isolated older adults in the Jewish and broader community
  • Responded to the needs of the vulnerable immigrant community – particularly families with young and school-aged children struggling with loss of income and childcare – distributing over 60,000 meals and 70,000 personal care items, including toiletries, toilet paper, and feminine hygiene products as well as health information in 3 different languages
  • Helped over 300 Jewish families with over 1,000 hours coordinating services and basic needs assistance, including funeral costs and bereavement support
  • Ensured a safe environment for hundreds, especially single immigrant mothers and their children, helping them access necessary medical care and maintain lodging when they were threatened with homelessness
  • Worked with partners to mail over 4,000 cloth face masks to those in need
  • Increased the access of frail older adult clients to medical care through appointment escort services, health screenings and telehealth visits
  • Collected school supplies and seasonal clothing for young low-income children as navigate the challenges of remote and hybrid learning
  • Mentored first generation college students using virtual technology to keep them on track and support academic and professional success
  • Provided homecare services to medically-compromised older adult clients
Last year with your help, over 5,000 community members were supported by JFS. When the crisis hit, JFS responded quickly, providing desperately needed relief to our struggling neighbors. And, as the devastation caused by the crisis continues to affect so many now and through the coming months, JFS will be here providing basic needs and emergency assistance to those who need us the most.
State, federal and other funding is harder than ever to get support from and private donors is needed now more than ever – please, make a donation today to ensure continued support for all of our neighbors in need. Thank you for helping JFS make a difference in the lives of our community’s most vulnerable.