JVS Helps Afghan Evacuees and JFS FAN Clients Find Employment

(Photo Credit: Jewish Vocational Services)

JFS is proud to acknowledge collaborative relationships with over 100 organizations – from public to private, secular to faith-based, local to international – strategic and powerful partnerships that drive collective impact across multiple domains. It is only through our extensive network of collaborative community partnerships that we are able to serve over 7,500 people each year.

One of those partners is Jewish Vocational Services (JVS). JVS is among the oldest and largest providers of adult education and workforce development services in Greater Boston, serving a diverse clientele representing over 90 nations, and speaking 50 languages, and helping people secure financial independence through educational and employment services. JFS’s relationship with JVS is key to ensuring that our clients have access to expert, professional employment services that empower them to get new and better jobs so they can earn the money they need to take care of their families.

JVS plays an integral role in our Afghan Evacuee Resettlement Project. We’ve worked with JVS over the years for all of our resettlement clients. Currently, we’re referring Afghan families to receive employment services from them. JVS has provided free employment services to local immigrant and refugee populations for over 40 years. 80% of program participants get hired into new jobs each year! Their program includes:

    • Career coaching
    • English classes
    • Job search assistance
    • Interview preparation
    • Skills training
    • Career advancement services

JVS also has been instrumental in helping our Family Assistance Network (FAN) clients find employment. Supported by CJP, FAN provides confidential and respectful assistance to individuals and families in Metrowest to help them meet the short-term challenges resulting from urgent financial difficulties. JFS’s JVS rep Dale Norman leads a partnership initiative between JVS’s Jewish Re-Employment Program (JREP) and JFS’s Ready for Success (RFS) program, a part of our FAN services. Job seekers work with Dale to set goals and map out a plan, leading to job placement, skills upgrades, and career advancement.

Dale spoke about the importance of working collaboratively with clients as they realize their highest career potential: “I am thrilled to be working in the Jewish community on employment initiatives. Now, more than ever there is an urgency for individuals seeking employment to have positive options and directions open for job search.”

We are grateful for our longstanding partnership with JVS!

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