To our award recipients, volunteers, all those who attended tonight’s gala and all who generously support JFS of Metrowest’s efforts to Accelerate Social, Academic and Health Equity in our community, THANK YOU!!!

Scroll down to view this year’s Tribute Book, and for those who were unable to attend (or want to view again) we are proud to share the below videos that were showcased at tonight’s event. Compelling stories that demonstrate the Power of Community – Together We Are Stronger, Together We Change Lives:
Through the Power of Volunteerism, JFS is Changing the Lives of Refugees Seeking Safety in Our Community
Through the Power of Collaborative Partnerships, JFS is Changing the Lives of Immigrants in Our Community
And, thank you to all who contributed to the 2022 Seize the Dream tribute book! 142 Pages of heartfelt messages from friends and supporters. Please patronize the food providers and businesses that so generously supported this year’s Seize the Dream gala!
Thank you to all who partner with JFS to make meaningful and measurable impacts in our community!