One component of JFS’ work within the community is our Patient Navigator Program! Medical appointments can be anxiety-inducing for older adults—but that doesn’t have to be the case. Our Patient Navigators are trained volunteers who accompany older adults to their medical appointments. They are not only a calming influence during the appointments, but they also help older adults, and their families get the information and care they need. Patient Navigators are especially helpful when family members live far away, may not be available, or for older adults who need personalized support at medical appointments.

The photos above highlight JFS’ Patient Navigators with older adults on two recent appointment days. The first older adult was being picked up at Shillman House to go to a doctor’s appointment in Marlboro. While the other older adult arrived with her Patient Navigator at a dentist appointment in Framingham. Both older adults were happy to see their Patient Navigators and felt comfortable while preparing for their doctors’ visits. Both Patient Navigators showed up with their JFS Volunteer identification and notebook so, they can write down all important information and report back to the older adults’ families.

Thank you to all of our wonderful volunteers who support the work of JFS!

Click here to learn more or become a patient navigator!