Marwa’s incredible story is a testament to the profound impact of JFS of Metrowest’s work in resettling and supporting refugees and immigrants. Her determination, coupled with the support she received, has laid the foundation for a promising future. Marwa’s journey underscores the success that can be achieved when the right supports are put in place, as well as the importance of community and guidance in rebuilding lives in new communities. Her story serves as an inspiration to us all.

In February 2024, a young woman named Marwa, made the journey from Afghanistan her new life in America. At just 21 years old, she carried with her not just the weight of her past, but the hopes and dreams of a brighter future. Marwa was not alone in her journey; she was welcomed and resettled by the dedicated team at JFS.

Within a mere four days of her arrival, Marwa took her first steps towards self-sufficiency. With help from her dedicated caseworker and the JFS team, she applied for a work authorization permit and enrolled in public benefits, including SNAP and MassHealth.

Despite the daunting task of adjusting to a new country, Marwa held fast to her dream of attending medical school to study stomatology: oral medicine. Her caseworker at JFS provided invaluable guidance, assisting her in researching schools and preparing her documents for community college admissions.

Unlike many other refugees, Marwa was fortunate to already possess a good command of English, a skill she had honed in her home country. Scoring an astounding 120 score on an English linguistic proficiency exam enabled her to integrate seamlessly into her new academic environment. This milestone paved the way for her successful admission to Framingham State University. With plans to major in Biology, Marwa is eagerly awaiting the start of the fall semester, her dreams of becoming a dentist supported by financial aid and scholarships.

In the interim, Marwa has been anything but idle. She completed a radiology certification course at Boston University (a prerequisite of the FSU Biology program) with funds secured by JFS in collaboration with partner organizations and secured a part-time job as a cashier at Kohl’s near her home in May. This job not only helps Marwa work towards self-sufficiency but also allows her to continue her educational journey.

The work of JFS is crucial in helping refugees like Marwa rebuild their lives. There are several ways you can support this cause and make a difference:

  1. Volunteer: Offer your time and skills to help refugees adjust to their new lives. This could be through language tutoring, job coaching, transportation, community orientation, or simply being a friendly face in a new country.
  2. Donate: Your financial contributions can go a long way in providing resources and support for refugees.
  3. Organize a Group: Rally your friends, family, or community to sponsor a refugee or refugee family. This could involve fundraising, providing housing, or helping them navigate their new community.
  4. Connections: Affordable housing is one of our biggest hurdles. Help us build relationships with local landlords so we can find and secure safe and appropriate long-term housing.

From refugee to future dentist, Marwa’s inspiring journey is just one example of the many lives that have been transformed through the efforts of JFS in collaboration with our many volunteers and community partners. Your involvement can help continue this important work. Let’s stand together in support of refugees and immigrants and help them build a brighter future!