We are very excited that our September Memory Café will bring back popular musician and arts educator Cornell Coley for a participatory drum circle on Wednesday, September 11 1:00-2:30 pm at Temple Beth Am, 300 Pleasant Street in Framingham. He is an experienced instructor who has led drum circles in a variety of venues and with neurodiverse individuals. Each individual will have their own drum or a global percussion instrument.  No experience needed. 

You can find more information about Cornell Coley by clicking here.

You can also check out Cornell’s Ted Talk about Drumming and the Brain on Youtube here. 

If you plan to attend, please RSVP by calling 508-875-3100×550 to save a spot for the September Memory Café.

The October Memory Café will bring back saxophonist Nat Seelen on October 16, and the November 13th Memory Café will feature music therapist Linda LaSalle playing Celtic harp and guitar.

We hope to see you at our Memory Cafés!