Volunteers from BCBS organize and pack bags of seasonal items for young students in need. Pictured middle right, Representative Jack Lewis lends a hand, and bottom right, JFS staff members Homecare Training Manager Dámaris Medina-Hernández, Senior Director of Immigrant Services Alma Cothias, and Jayne Lampert, Senior Director of Philanthropy talk about the work of the JFS/FPS Resource Room and how the day’s activities will support families who need help the most.

For the third year, JFS hosted the Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) of Massachusetts Day of Service, an event that truly embodies community spirit and collaboration. Led by JFS Board Member and BCBS Senior Director of Government and Regulatory Affairs, Elana Margolis, a dedicated team of 14 BCBS employees came together to support families in need within our community.

The day was spent at the JFS/FPS Resource Room located in Framingham Public Schools, where volunteers worked alongside JFS staff to pack bags filled with seasonal clothing and personal care items for 28 refugee children that JFS has helped resettle.

The collaboration between JFS and BCBS provided new sweatshirts, pants, long sleeve shirts, and fleece items, to ensure that children are prepared for the cooler months ahead.

After selecting clothing and packing each bag, BCBS volunteers added a personal touch by writing handwritten notes filled with words of welcome and encouragement. These heartfelt messages are sure to brighten the days of the children and families receiving these essential items.

Many of the children benefiting from this initiative are also attending Framingham Public Schools, which highlights the importance of partnerships in our mission to serve newcomers and vulnerable families in the Metrowest area. The day was further enriched by the presence of Representative Jack Lewis, who joined the team to lend a hand and show his support for these families and the vital work being done by JFS.

We are incredibly grateful for the partnership with BCBS, whose commitment to alleviating suffering and enhancing lives is evident in their willingness to volunteer and give back. Events like this not only provide critical resources to families in need, but also create meaningful connections within our community.

As we reflect on this year’s event, we are filled with gratitude for the generous contributions and compassionate efforts of the BCBS team. Together, we are making a difference in the lives of those who need it most.

Thank you, BCBS, for your continued support and for being an invaluable partner in our mission to serve the community!