In Greater Framingham and other Metrowest communities, Jewish Family Service of Metrowest assists Jewish families struggling to make ends meet. As an organization we are dedicated to lending a helping hand to those in need, providing a wide range of services with the goal of helping households remain independent and financially self-sufficient.

Since 2008, through the Family Assistance Network (FAN), a CJP-funded anti-poverty initiative program, JFS has provided tens of thousands of hours of case management services and tens of thousands of dollars in financial assistance, supporting thousands of Jewish individuals and families facing financial instability, homelessness and significant health related issues.

One such family is headed by Audrey, a 40-year-old single mother of two teenagers. All three family members grapple with significant and chronic health challenges. The older child frequently has had to assume the role of caregiver, previously without support, even while dealing with the emotional challenges of personal health problems.

JFS stepped in, not just for a momentary rescue but for a commitment of long-term support. They began working with Audrey and her family when she was 35, understanding that their journey was not about quick fixes, but about being there for the long haul.

While Audrey was navigating the complex process of Social Security Disability approval, amongst many denials, JFS provided her with significant practical, financial and emotional support to assist her in the process and to keep her and her family secure. JFS helped her set financial goals and facilitated access to critically needed benefits and services including Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), JFS Joe and Lucy Press Food Pantry and Children’s Clothing Closet, etc., materially reducing the family’s expenses related to food and other areas of basic need and increasing disposable income.

The support from JFS extended beyond the basic necessities, touching the lives of Audrey’s family in profound ways. Recognizing the critical role of extracurricular activities in maintaining her younger teen’s health and well-being, it was important that finances not hold them back. Through generous donor support, JFS secured resources that funded participation in multiple after-school activities, positively impacting the teen’s confidence and overall well-being.

For Audrey’s older child, JFS opened doors to a brighter future. JFS provided guidance through the college and scholarship application process, with resulting success. In a triumphant moment for the family, the teen enrolled as a first-generation college student at a competitive New England university this fall, supported by full tuition scholarships!

Audrey’s story is a testament to JFS’s comprehensive, compassionate, and committed work. JFS truly wraps their arms around families like Audrey’s, providing not just resources, but also hope and a sense of community. JFS’s work is a reminder that in the face of adversity, no one has to go it alone.

How You Can Help

There are many families like Audrey’s who need our support. Here’s how you can get involved:

  1. Donate: Your financial contribution can help us provide essential services and support to families in need. This could be providing essential school supplies, food, or opportunities for extracurricular activities!
  2. Assist with Specific Needs: Directly support families by covering costs for extracurricular activities, day camps, sports equipment, technology, or college wish-list items. Your targeted assistance can make a significant difference in a child’s life.
  3. Volunteer: Give your time and skills to make a direct impact. There are various roles you can play.
  4. Spread the Word: Share our mission with your network. The more people know about our work, the more families we can reach.

Join us in our mission to provide hope and support to families like Audrey’s.
Together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of people who need help the most!