May 12, 2022 | All Videos, Compelling Story, Immigrant and Resettlement, Immigrant Videos, Jewish Community, JFS of Metrowest, New American Services, New American Videos, PAGES/RAG Videos, Resettlement, Resettlement Videos, Seize the Dream, Volunteer Opportunities, Volunteer Videos, We are JFS!
Did you know that JFS of Metrowest (Framingham, MA) has been providing resettlement services to victims fleeing violence and oppression since 1979? When these newcomers arrive in the U.S., a wide range of services are needed and JFS harnesses the power of volunteerism...
May 12, 2022 | All Videos, Compelling Story, Immigrant and Resettlement, Immigrant Videos, New American Services, New American Videos, PAGES/RAG Videos, Resettlement, Resettlement Videos, Seize the Dream, Volunteer Opportunities, Volunteer Videos, We are JFS!
Did you know that 40% of the clients served by JFS of Metrowest (Framingham, MA) are not Jewish? These individuals and families come from the broader community and many are low-income immigrants struggling to make ends meet. In this video you will hear the story of...
May 12, 2022 | All Videos, Children's Clothing Closet, Children's Clothing Closet Videos, Compelling Story, PAGES/RAG Videos, Patient navigator, Seize the Dream, Volunteer Videos, We are JFS!
Did you know that JFS works with over 300 volunteers to make a difference in the lives of over 7,500 people each year? Individuals, families, schools, businesses and groups of all kind come to JFS to find hands-on opportunities to help those in need every day....
May 12, 2022 | All Videos, Business, Children's Clothing Closet, Community Partners, Community Programs, Elder Care Management, Family Assistance Network, Featured, Healthy Aging, Immigrant and Resettlement, Jewish Community, JFS of Metrowest, Resettlement, Seize the Dream, We are JFS!
To our award recipients, volunteers, all those who attended tonight’s gala and all who generously support JFS of Metrowest’s efforts to Accelerate Social, Academic and Health Equity in our community, THANK YOU!!! Scroll down to view this...
Feb 15, 2022 | Children's Clothing Closet, Featured, Immigrant and Resettlement, JFS of Metrowest, Resettlement, Seize the Dream, Volunteer Opportunities, We are JFS!
Earlier this week, Sharon resident Abby Levine visited JFS with her husband David Cunningham and children Josie and Gabe to deliver and sort hundreds of clothing items for the JFS Children’s Clothing Closet at the Framingham Public Schools Resource Room. Many of...
Nov 29, 2021 | Business, Featured, Seize the Dream, We are JFS!
JFS is so excited to announce this year’s honorees: Allan and Rebecca Chasen & Jodi and Ken Bring You are cordially invited to attend JFS’s Annual Seize the Dream fundraising event on Thursday, May 5, 2022, at the Westin Waltham Hotel in Waltham....