JFS Profiled as a Partner of the Equity In Education Action Project at the Community Leadership Reception

  Since 2003, JFS has partnered with the Framingham Public Schools to address academic inequities and provide additional support to young students most in need. In 2021, thanks to funding from the Community Foundation for MetroWest and MathWorks, the Equity In...

Temple Shir Tikva and JFS Share the Joy of Chanukah with Families in Need!

Coordinated by JFS Board Vice President Allison Kates and Rabbi Danny Burkeman, families of Temple Shir Tikva in Wayland came together and donated toys, gift cards, and other goodies to JFS client families who otherwise would have gone without this holiday season....

JFS Annual Build-A-Backpack Event On the Move – Part 2!

For the 9th consecutive year, JFS of Metrowest will provide over 250 backpacks full of school supplies to children in our community who need it most; but given the current public health emergency, this year’s initiative is looking a little different…!...

JFS Annual Build-A-Backpack Event On the Move!

For the 9th consecutive year, JFS of Metrowest will provide over 250 backpacks full of school supplies to children in our community who need it most; but given the current public health emergency, this year’s initiative is looking a little different…!...

20th JFS Collaborative Distribution – Over 5,200 Bags of Food & Personal Care Items Distributed to Date!

On August 13th JFS of Metrowest held its 20th distribution of food and personal care items at Woodrow Wilson Elementary School in Framingham! 142 bags of personal care items and food were passed out to families and individuals in the community!    Since the very first...