Babson Magazine Highlights JFS Pathways to Academic Growth, Empowerment, & Success (PAGES) Programming at Woodrow Wilson!

Babson Magazine Highlights JFS Pathways to Academic Growth, Empowerment, & Success (PAGES) Programming at Woodrow Wilson!

JFS of Metrowest is proud to announce being featured in Babson College Babson Magazine’s recent article, “In Service of Others: The Power of the Community Action Program.” For several years now, students from Babson’s Community Action Program...

JFS and Community Partners Provide Needed Masks to Clients

When the order was issued to wear masks, we immediately thought of the 5,000 clients we serve. Where could we get masks for them all? CEO Lino Covarrubias sent out a call for help to our board. Within days, we had commitments for thousands of masks. We are grateful to...
JFS of Metrowest & Daniel’s Table Show Continued Commitment to Our Community in this Time of Need

JFS of Metrowest & Daniel’s Table Show Continued Commitment to Our Community in this Time of Need

Yesterday JFS of Metrowest and Daniel’s Table of Framingham packed 75 bags of fresh produce and other staples at DT’s workspace on Pearl St. The bags were delivered to the Pelham Life-Long Learning Center in Framingham and passed out to families. In the midst of...